Addition of Ful-Power has several (financial) benefits on sports fields:
What others say about Ful-Power on sports fields
In my search for alternatives to chemical herbicides, I came into contact with BioAg Europe, who have been using biostimulants such as humic and fulvic acid for years in horticulture, agriculture and animal husbandry in the Netherlands. During a first meeting it soon became clear that there are certainly opportunities for our golf club, and I was able to set up a number of tests on our greens. After discussing the outcome with our adviser David Stansfield, next year I am going to treat 18 greens, and half of two greens, for further research. It is clear to me that the use of Ful-Power and other humus products is a good and natural step in the direction of chemical-free management. And the investment is less than the cost of one herbicide treatment!
Adjan Verploegh, head greenkeeper Hilversumsche Golf Club
The benefits of using Ful-Power
Based on a practical example at the Hilversumsche Golf Club