Using humic and fulvic acid products for garden maintenance
Find more information about our products below
Fulvic acid for plants
Ful-Power is a high-quality fulvic acid product that is preferred by many gardeners because of its ease of use, its high bioavailability and because it acts as a chelating agent. Ful-Power, which has fulvic acid as its only active ingredient, offers maximum applicability in every fertilizer program. The fulvic acid in Ful-Power is extracted through a fermentation process that guarantees a maximum biological effect.
Humic acid concentrate
Ful-Humix is a soluble, concentrated humus powder based on 52% humic acid and 12% fulvic acid. This powerful activator increases the efficiency and uptake of nutrients, increases cellular activity at all levels, stimulates useful microorganisms and converts organic material and fertilizers into usable forms for faster uptake.
Humic acid concentrate with micronutrients
TM-7 is a soluble powder consisting of Ful-Humix and seven micronutrients that are required for plant growth.
Humic acid concentrate with seaweed and micronutrients