13 October 2020


More and more dairy farmers are benefiting from the advantages of PrimeHumic humic acid. BioAg Europe has noticed an increasing demand due to positive word of mouth advertising. Demand is expected to continue to grow in the coming period. The product has a positive effect on intestinal health, resulting in, among other things: higher fat contents, longer life span, fewer treatments, better general health and higher production in case of heat stress. BioAg Europe sees these results not only in its own research barn – where the research will take place for the 5th year – but also among various dairy farmers.

Salmonella treated with humic acids

Koepon dairy farm in northern Groningen, the Netherlands used PrimeHumic among its youngest calves. “They started wagging, were short of breath and were coughing. We also had a slightly higher mortality rate among the calves and they were not fit,” says Marcel Rijkers, manager at Koepon. It turned out to be a variant of the salmonella bacterium. The solution was partly found in the addition of humic acids to the feed. “We were positively surprised that such a small addition could solve the problem. After about a week, the calves were doing demonstrably better. The calves became stronger, more active, had a better digestion and therefore also better manure. We also saw an effect in the dairy cattle. The feed efficiency improved, the intestinal flora became healthier, the manure better-looking and we achieved slightly higher contents.”

Production dropped by more than one liter

Dairy farmer Marc Krabben, Bornerbroek, the Netherlands has been feeding PrimeHumic to his 110 dairy cows for over five years. When the feed supplier forgot to mix in the product, he noticed immediately. “On average, the production dropped by more than a liter and I noticed that the cows’ behaviour was a bit different.” In addition, he noticed that the age at which they cull cows has increased by 3 months in recent years and that the number of udder infections has dropped significantly over time.

Simple maths

Dairy farmer René Bruggeman, Overijsselse Wijhe, the Netherlands, doubted whether he should use PrimeHumic. “But we mixed it into the feed for a good month. Production increased by one liter per cow per day. When we stopped feeding PrimeHumic, it immediately dropped again,” says René. “We didn’t change anything else. So the product really improves feed efficiency.” He tried a few more times to see what the effect would be if he stopped adding PrimeHumic. “But after one to two weeks we always started again, because production had immediately dropped.” And so for René, it’s straightforward: the revenue of PrimeHumic humic acids is about 34 cents per cow per day, at a cost of 6 cents. “The math is pretty simple.”


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